Dealing with sunscreen with wriggly, wiggly, wiggle worms has got to be one of my least favorite parts of summer. I fully believe in the importance of children spending time outdoors, both in sports and in unstructured free exploration. But … Continue reading
Category Archives: green living
What can we do about Bisphenol-A? First and foremost we have to be smart enough to not fall for the scare tactics and guilt trips the canned food industry are intent on unleashing on us. “I alone cannot change the … Continue reading
This is a conversation my five year old and I had last night at the dinner table… Son: Do apples last forever? Me: No, nothing lasts forever. Son: No, that’s not true. There are two things that last forever: love… … Continue reading
Mother’s Day is almost here! I can hardly believe that this is going to be my 5th Mother’s Day as a mom. Whether you are a mama-to-be, a new mama, or a seasoned pro, one thing is for certain, you … Continue reading