It’s the beginning of both TV Turnoff Week and Earth Week. I’d say they go hand in hand, don’t you? My boys are never thrilled with the idea of not being able to watch any shows for the whole week, … Continue reading
Category Archives: parenting
TV Turnoff week 2010 begins April 19. Will you be participating this year? American society currently has more televisions than people. There more tvs in the average American household than people. This is astounding to me. And do you know … Continue reading
Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love! ~Sitting Bull * * Spring to me means eggs, (via flickr) trees, flowers, … Continue reading
I love Etsy. I love mama owned businesses. I love the Pacific Northwest. I love supporting those things by buying handmade, especially if it is eco-friendly, local, or made by moms. And, yes, I am a big believer in the … Continue reading