Happy New Year 2011!

Happy New Year

(photo credit: flickr)

“Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose – not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember.” ~ Anne Sullivan

There is too much emphasis on the new year and resolutions, yet there is value in beginning new, starting fresh, aspiring to lofty goals and creating change. There are lessons to be learned in all the beginnings and the many subsequent failings. To get back up and start again and again is, at the least, a practice in patience.

I am loving the idea of a word for the year. One word that encompasses what 2011 should be for you in all its highs and lows. One word that represents your hopes and dreams and will lift you up when you fall. One word.

My word for 2011 is b r e a t h e.

It’s the warm air coming off a calm ocean that makes me want to take a deep breath to take in all of the smells, sounds and texture it brings with it. It’s what grounds me before heading out into the world. It’s what will get me through all my beginnings and failings. I am going to follow my breath wherever it takes me. I am going to just breathe.

What will yours be?

And what does it mean to you?


Happy New Year 2011! — 12 Comments

  1. Happy New Year to you!

    I love doing a word for the year too. For 2011, I am choosing: thankful. I hope to be thankful for the things I have, thankful for the people I love, and thankful for the good AND the bad.

  2. Happy New Year….great post!

    A word for 2011

    mine is illumination.

    I hope this will be a year full of awareness, enlightenment, insight, inspiration, instruction, perception and revelation all wrapped up in this one word.

  3. Happy New Year! One word to embody all of 2011? I think that will have to be… love. We can all use a little more love- given and received.

  4. Happy New Year! I love the word breathe…it's refreshing, calming, and invigorating!

    My word last year was SEE. I was getting married and had so many things happening. I didn't want to miss a moment.

    This year my word is GROW. I am learning photography, turning 40, and I want to absorb everything.


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