A stunning eco-friendly home

I just had to share this amazing eco-friendly home that I Stumbled Upon. It is incredible. I think I am in love with it a little.

A Welsh dad and his father-in-law, along with a few passers by and friends, built this house for his family.I love the look of it, very fairy-tale or hobbit-like, but even more than that I love the choices made in total regard for the environment.

Some of the key points of design and construction:

  • Dug into hillside for low visual impact and shelter
  • Stone and mud from diggings used for retaining walls, foundations etc.
  • Frame of oak thinnings (spare wood) from surrounding woodland
  • Reciprocal roof rafters are structurally and aesthaetically fantastic and very easy to do
  • Straw bales in floor, walls and roof for super-insulation and easy building
  • Plastic sheet and mud/turf roof for low impact and ease
  • Lime plaster on walls is breathable and low energy to manufacture (compared to cement)
  • Reclaimed (scrap) wood for floors and fittings
  • Anything you could possibly want is in a rubbish pile somewhere (windows, burner, plumbing, wiring…)
  • Woodburner for heating – renewable and locally plentiful
  • Flue goes through big stone/plaster lump to retain and slowly release heat
  • Fridge is cooled by air coming underground through foundations
  • Skylight in roof lets in natural feeling light
  • Solar panels for lighting, music and computing
  • Water by gravity from nearby spring
  • Compost toilet
  • Roof water collects in pond for garden etc.

There is a wealth of information on their website: http://www.simondale.net/house/index.htm I encourage you all to check it out. You can even get information on how to join in a future building project with them- if you’re in the neighborhood ;)

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