As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. ~Henry David Thoreau To the dismay of all three my children, this week is Screen-Free Week (formerly known as TV-Turnoff Week). This is an annual celebration of turning off screens and … Continue reading
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Wow, what a great time we had at The Mom Shop on Saturday! Thanks to all of those who came out. We got to meet a lot of fantastic people and saw the cutest kids in the fashion show that … Continue reading
Screen-Free Week 2013 Do you remember those old bumper stickers, “Kill your television!”? It was certainly a violent way to get people to pay attention to their tv watching habits. Television programming has changed since then. Some might argue there … Continue reading
Manifestations of happiness abound when the sun shines, the temperatures warm, and the good people spend their leisure out-of-doors. Intentional connection with our environment will help us all make every day an Earth Day. Beginning on April 30th, I … Continue reading