Earth Day through reading… and donating to The Children’s Book Bank

Today my 4 year old and I walked to the library and picked up a few (well maybe more than a few) books that I had put on hold. I am now at my limit of books I am able to check out at one time. I really can’t wait until these kids are old enough to have their own library cards so they aren’t taking up so much on mine. At least they love to read…

I have stopped buying books, except for special ones that we just have to have. Oh, and I often give books as gifts. But, I am a big fan of the library. It is a fun place to go. They have almost every book you can think of and if not you can always request it. And the books you borrow can go back, and quickly if it turns out to not be as great as you thought it might be

But… we have a very full bookshelf at home. We have a ridiculous number of books for the kids, for ourselves, just lots and lots of books. I love books.

This is just one of bookcases for children’s books…

And a bucket for the baby’s…

And a few of the ones I love…

There are many statistics that tell us why reading is so important to and for young children, and how if there is little or no access to books, the outcome is a serious negative impact on future success. There is a direct correlation between reading, and being read to, and academic success. Now tell me how that affects our society as a whole?

Did you click the link and read the statistics?

At this point you may be asking what you can do. (If you still aren’t moved, and even if you are, I highly recommend you look at the work of Jonathan Kozol, particularly the books, Savage Inequalities and Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation. I might also recommend doing some service in an area like the South Bronx. It will change you.)

Now. I do have one immediate solution for you…

This Saturday, in celebration of Earth Day, The Children’s Book Bank is partnering with the local Portland New Seasons to have a one-day book drive. The Earth Day Book Drive will collect new and used books for children who might not otherwise have any books to call their own at all 9 Portland New Seasons Markets, as well as the Laurelhurst and Bridgeport Whole Foods, between 10am and 4pm.

Please consider a donation.

For those of you not local to Portland, see if you can find a similar organization where you live. Or start one!


Earth Day through reading… and donating to The Children’s Book Bank — 3 Comments

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